Hi my name is jeff
and I have been blogging for a while now and have built numerous websites with wordpress, html, javascript and html5.
If you have come here searching for some tips to start a new website, online shop or your small biz website – then you have arrived at the right place. I built this blog specifically to guide and help people build their 1st website the quick and easy way.
I have heaps of experience building Html, Javascript, CSS and also wordpress (WP) websites and hope to help you succeed in your new online adventure. Today its easy-peasy to create a website blog with WordPress(Wp). You don’t really need to know programming or coding to start a website. Its as easy as point and click and following instructions to build a webpage now.
I still remember the first time I started building my first personal web-blog on free platform – tripod owned by Lycos. I built my first website with the help of my Uni free library internet and when I was building it at home, it was on my slow 56k modem internet connection.
In those times there was only dial up and the internet speeds were painfully slow, compared to today. You can imagine building a website with those speeds. It could take a couple of days just to build one page of your website and it did take that long.
Today I can build a whole website in just 10 to 15 minutes and then just tidy up with some good free design templates/themes and free SEO WP plugins and its all done.
I actually built my first website learning html by- myself and learning coding my website from scratch. I’d like to think my first website was a pretty good effort at that time. It was my personal web-diary so to speak. It was what most bloggers were doing at that time, today bloggers earn a full time income doing this(blogging).
Fast forward to today, and I don’t need to code or mess around with html, CSS, Javascript or Java anymore, because there is WORDPRESS.
So what is WordPress ?
Many people don’t know , but its a free software. Its is also one of the most popular website building platform on the internet.
Prices for Hosting
So whats the catch ? – The software Its Free , but you need purchased hosting to host your blog on it. Purchased hosting can be bought for anywhere from $1- godaddy hosting , $3.95 Blue host hosting, $5.95 Hostgator hosting to $5000 a month hosting.
WordPress is one of the easiest website building software available today, which makes it easy to install, build and maintain a website all by yourself. Yes you can build a website in a total of just 10 minutes, I have done it and timed it. If you are not as tech savvy as me , you can add another 10 to 15 mins to the process.The whole setup with this software is done by just a point and click of your mouse.
Once you finish installing it with point and click , you will off course need to add content and so you will need to type 😉
Designing the WP blog
You might need to spend some time if you want a better design than the default word press design. To do this all you need to do is go to the themes section and choose a better design from the free wp webdesigns and click to activate the new design.
So, we will feature over here on this site – Step by Step detailed guides with pics or videos – How to install your wordpress website, add a great design /look to your webpage, How to leverage SEO for google ranking and also teach you how to start promoting your website and getting traffic (the most important thing).
We will also feature regularly everything related to wordpress – like review of amazing WP themes, WP plugins and software or scripts to enhance functionality and promote your website or blog.
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